In accordance with the laws of Ministry of Education, Qatar, schooling is compulsory for children & young people aged from 3.6 to 13 years unless an exemption has been granted. Parents/guardians must enroll a child of compulsory school age at a registered school and have a legal obligation to ensure the child attends school at all times when the school is open for instructions. Students will attend school during normal school hours every day of each term.

The principal or Coordinator may authorize an exemption and provide written approval for student attendance and enrollment to be exempted or reduced to less than full me. For absence, where there is no exemption in place, the parent/guardian must provide an explanation on each occasion to the school. The school will determine if the explanation provided is a reasonable excuse for the purpose of the parent meeting their responsibilities under the laws of MOE.

Absenteeism and lateness affects students’ progress and attainment as well as the school’s ability to provide effective educational services.

It also disrupts the learning experiences of other students in school. Attendance expectations for Pak Shamaa School, Al-mashaf branch.


Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Unacceptable
100% 99% 98% 96% 94% 94% 92%


To maximize attendance and participation of all students at PSS Al-Mashaf.


  • Parents/students have to submit a written application for leave.
  • Application for medical leave should be supported by the medical certificate.
  • Absence without application should be avoided.
  • If a student remains absent from the class for 30 days his/her name will be struck off from the roll. Such a student will be re-admitted after paying re-admission fee.
  • During the examination, leave will not be granted. In case of illness, a medical certificate is required.


The Principal and Coordinator will ensure that the school has a procedure in place for the safe collection and drop off of students at school during school hours (e.g, late arrival or an early departure). This will include a record of the date and me, the reason for the late arrival or early departure, and the person who has authorized the late arrival or early departure.


Late arrival at PSS Al-Mashaf

  • Children who arrive between 7:15 am and 7:30 am collect a Late Pass from the office and go to class.
  • Children who arrive after 7:30 am will collect a Late Pass from the office and have their names and me of arrival recorded in the late book.
  • The Administration Department will contact families of children who are consistently or frequently late.

In relation to an early departure from school, the procedure will also include:

  • Persons collecting students prior to the end of the school day must attend the office and complete an early leave form which must be presented to the classroom teacher prior to the child leaving.
  • Students will only permitted to leave the school premises under the supervision of a parent or another person authorized by parent to collect the student.
  • If the person collecting the student is unknown to school staff and not listed as a contact on the child’s enrollment form, school staff will request photo identification to verify the person’s identity and check he/she is authorized on the child’s enrollment form to collect the child.
  • Continuous early leaving and late arrival will affect the percentage of the student’s attendance.



The Coordinator will ensure that there is a procedure to monitor all visitors in the school. As a minimum this procedure must require all visitors arriving and departing the school premises during school hours to use a visitor’s book to record their name, their signature, the date and me and the purpose of the visit.


At PSS Al-Mashaf Branch the procedure is as follows:

    • All visitors report to the office.
    • All visitors must sign in and wear a visitor’s tag.
    • All visitors must sign out when leaving the school.