To ensure that PSS Al-Mashaf staff has an adequate awareness and understanding of their duty, obligations and responsibilities to provide adequate supervision to students. To ensure that PSS Al-Mashaf staff exercises consistently with these obligations and responsibilities.



Principal, Coordinator and teachers have a special duty of care in relation to their students to take steps that are reasonable in the circumstances to protect students from risks of injury that should reasonably have been foreseen. This duty includes providing an adequate system of supervision.

The duty is not to prevent injury in all circumstances, it is a duty to take reasonable steps to prevent injury which is knows or foreseeable. The question of what are reasonable steps will depend on the individual circumstances of the case and consideration of the following factors:

  • The probability that the harm would occur if care was not taken. • The likely seriousness of the harm.
  • The burden of taking precautions to avoid the risk of harm.
  • The social utility of the activity that creates the risk of harm.

 The duty may, in some circumstances, extend outside school hours and outside the school premises. This will depend on whether the relationship between staff and student extends to the individual circumstances whether the risk was known or foreseeable and whether there were any reasonable steps that could be taken to prevent the injury form occurring.


The coordinator is responsible for ensure that there is an adequate system of supervision in place during school hours, before and after school and on school excursions and camps.

Coordinator, Teachers and other school staff are responsible to follow reasonable and lawful instructions from the principal, including instructions to provide supervision to students at specific dates, times and places.


Before School & After School

Students must be supervised for a minimum of 20 minutes before and after school. This supervision may include some or all of the following:

  • Monitoring of entry or exit points and/or designated pick up and drop off areas.
  •  Yard supervision.
  •  Classroom supervision.